I was always felt inspired and fascinated by lines, perspective, symmetry and
Nancy Da Campo

Nancy Da Campo

Nancy Da Campo is an architecture photographer born in Milan, Italy. She always had a passion for travelling and curiosity for exploring the world, a deep interest about what physically surrounds her. She has always felt inspired and fascinated by lines, perspective, symmetry, geometry and these are all the elements that she tries to capture and isolate in her photos.

She combines all these interests with her architectural education that gives her a unique perspective to create images that represent spaces, design and buildings in their best light.

In the past few years she’s been based in London, Paris and Sydney. Now you’ll find her travelling in Asia documenting the best architecture on this side of the world.

Sydney Opera HouseSydney Opera House
On sale

Nancy Da Campo

Sydney Opera House

$299 HKD $599 HKD
On sale

Nancy Da Campo


$299 HKD $599 HKD
Shadows and LinesShadows and Lines
On sale

Nancy Da Campo

Shadows and Lines

$299 HKD $599 HKD
Rib CageRib Cage
On sale

Nancy Da Campo

Rib Cage

$299 HKD $599 HKD
Purple SpiralPurple Spiral
On sale

Nancy Da Campo

Purple Spiral

$299 HKD $599 HKD
Leading LinesLeading Lines
On sale

Nancy Da Campo

Leading Lines

$299 HKD $599 HKD
On sale

Nancy Da Campo


$299 HKD $599 HKD

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